Pioneer in pathogen mitigation
饲料卫生 is a process approach to limiting the effect bacteria, fungi and yeasts have on your value chain from feed to fork. We offer solutions to support animal husbandry professionals in keeping their work free from the harmful effects of these micro-organisms.
High nutritional quality of feed starts with high quality feed raw material and ends with optimal preservation for the storage period. We have the preservative for you. The last thing anybody wants is to have to recall meat or eggs due to pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella or E. 发现大肠杆菌. Even subclinical infections have shown to significantly decrease performance, not to mention animal wellbeing. The risk of an infection can be greatly reduced by making sure that it doesn’t enter your stables via the feed. Organic acid solutions have proven their effectiveness at this for many years. Let us help you pick the right one for your purpose.
We offer a portfolio of solutions that can help you to keep your feed hygienic and safe:
- ProPhorce™ SA Exclusive
ProPhorce™ SA Exclusive is a highly effective solution dedicated to pathogen mitigation in all feedstuffs, ingredients and finished feeds. This liquid product consists of a synergistic blend of organic acids and carefully selected essential oils for an optimal antibacterial effect. It can be sprayed on dry substrates in a feed mill or grain processing plant. - ProPhorce™ SA Special
ProPhorce™ SA Special is a versatile solution that can reduce the number of bacterial pathogens AND manage the mold loads in feedstuffs, ingredients and finished feeds. It is a fluid liquid designed to be sprayed on dry substrates, that consists of a synergetic blend of organic acids and essential oils which give a powerful antibacterial effect. - ProPhorce™ SA Cleaning
ProPhorce™ SA Cleaning is our cost-effective dry solution for optimal pathogen mitigation in feedstuffs, ingredients and finished feeds. With it you can manage your pathogen count even without a liquid dosing installation. It can also be used for mill flushing to mitigate enterobacterial load in critical contamination areas within feed mills. - ProPhorce™ SA Flexible
ProPhorce™ SA Flexible is a cost-effective solution dedicated to pathogen mitigation and mold load management in feedstuffs, ingredients and finished feeds. It can be sprayed on dry substrates in a feed mill or grain processing plant. ProPhorce™ SA Flexible is suitable for use in organic farming systems.